Sunday, November 13, 2005

Part III is rescheduled

I've been diverted. And isn't it interesting when that happens?

Also interesting is a question I've been posing myself. Say that - hypothetically - someone had sold on spec the outline for a novel which was a thinly-disguised version of the Neurocam thing. Names, faces, blogs altered enough to spare blushes and the innocent alike but still drawing very, VERY strongly from the source.

Would it be ethical to publish and profit without crediting the muse? After all, you can't really steal an idea, can you? If I take it and tweak it just enough to make it mine, you still have yours.

(Edit: I suppose what really interests me is the question of ...well, ownership I suppose. Who has a claim to my experiences? If a third party or third parties enable and facilitate them, does the result belong to them? Is it attributable to them? In the act of altering them - even if only providing the initial push that sends one skeetering, teetering, tumbling downhill - have they gained a right to what is perceived by the other?)

A part of me sneers that down as moral cowardice. What do you think?

In the meantime, here is something I am trying very hard to see through.


At 9:16 PM, Blogger teigan said...

Search me. I don't believe information really exists, so I find "intellectual property" a rather silly notion.

I predict we'll all be over it by 2012.

At 5:56 AM, Blogger Exhibit 9 said...

Dear Teigan

The results of the search include four pieces of liquorice, a card postmarked Tibet and Catford and marked with glyphs the colour of a cat screaming in the night, and a small and rather bewildered terrier named Clive.

By 2012 I confidently expect to be enacting ancient Mayan prophecies and bringing about the ruination of Grimsby.

Bloody Grimsby.

At 5:59 AM, Blogger Exhibit 9 said...

Dear Clover

I am overcome by existential angst.

I have fallen instantly in "lurve" with your picture, which reminds me strongly of a man I once saw on a bus near a train-powered tractor at the corner of somewhere I forget. I forget a lot of things these days. Perhaps you can suggest a remedy?

The tragic twist of fate that complicates matters between us is that I now know you to be the fiendish arch-criminal who has deprived me of my pockets. It's little wonder a troupe of ducklings have taken to following me everywhere.

The trail of breadcrumbs fell right through!

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Exhibit 9 said...

My dearest four-leaf

You are as tricksy as you are hirstute. "Tea" is widely known in certain rectangular circles as the vilest consonant of all.

Consult your extensive back-catalogue of classic "Countdown" episodes. Utilise the pause button. Note the shadows of fearful rage and diabolical vengeance that can be seen to flit momentarily across the countenance of the late Richard Whitely each time the consonant in question is revealed by the mocking hand of Vorderman.

PS Would there be biscuits? I'm partial to Garibaldi.

At 8:27 PM, Blogger teigan said...

Dear Operative Firedrake,

I wholheartedly agree. This ALL Grimsby's fault.

Verily, I say unto yiz all: DOWN WITH GRIMSBY.

If you have enjoyed this comment, please feel free to cut and paste it into other blogs.


Operative Pulat

At 1:50 AM, Blogger Adren of Life said...

You do know that the yellow windows' lens tint results in the largest contrast threshold increase, right?


At 4:38 AM, Blogger Exhibit 9 said...

Dear Adren

Interestingly I once had an acquaintance of more than passing familiarity who wore lemon-coloured lenses for that very reason.

We met under curious circumstances by a certain memorial to Nicholas Hawksmoor. Her smile was like nightfall.

She is long gone from me now.

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Adren of Life said...

It is always tough not being with your woman anymore, especially when you gave up on a good thing.

From the looks of it though, you're pretty much over her, aren't you? ..sad.



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